Saturday, September 7, 2013

Conquering Labor Pain

     After Finger Lakes, I took a break from racing for a bit.  Just prior to that race, I interviewed for a new position and found out right before I left on vacation that I got the position.  This was an answered prayer; night shift was taking its toll, and I was catching myself waking up on my drive home.  My new job was going to be a day shift position AND no weekends or holidays- perfect for racing!  The downside: running at 4am.  I spent the majority of August truly struggling to find the motivation to run, and Labor Pain was fast approaching.
    The morning of Labor Pain, I was hoping for a break in the sudden heat and humidity to no avail.  The humidity was around 90%, and temps were expected to climb well into the 80s- not an ideal scenario for a distance PR.  Labor  Pain is a 12 hour race with a 5 mile loop course, which runners can run as many times as they'd like in that time frame. My initial goal was to shoot for an ambitious 100k, but I knew that the conditions were not in my favor.  I decided to try the first loop at the pace I'd need to maintain for a 100k finish.  I was able to easily finish the loop in under an hour, but I knew that keeping that pace as the temps climbed would be a total struggle.  I made the decision early on to abort my goal and just enjoy the ride.
     One of the big challenges of Labor Pain is the temptation of the start/finish area each loop.  The race is held at a German club, complete with a fully stocked beer garten.  At some point, I decided that 40 miles and a few cold beverages was way better than pushing things too hard.  I had never specifically done a 40 mile race, so I was guaranteed a PR.  Out on the course, I was able to socialize with some of the other runners, as well as some of the volunteers.  Many of the other runners I talked to also decided to modify their goals, but there were a few runners that were tearing up the course!  I finished my 40 miles just under 9.5 hours and relaxed, had a few drinks, and socialized with friends from near and far.  I made a wise decision in calling it a day early; there were a few casualties that needed medical attention due to the grueling conditions.  I may have not accomplished my original goal, but it was still a great day.
     I still had to figure out what I was going to do about my lack of morning motivation- the thought of finishing my runs every day in darkness was killing my routine.  After three days off post- Labor Pain, I decided to take advantage of the flexibility of my new job's hours and decided to run at lunch.  I wouldn't have the benefit of a shower, but perhaps baby wipes and deodorant could pass muster.  My first run was just on the road around the hospital and went pretty well, but I was hoping to find a better solution.  Not living near my job, I was pretty unfamiliar with the area.  After consulting with the running group from that area, I was able to discover a park which I could easily run to.  Friday was the perfect day to explore there, and I am overjoyed at the thought that I now have a solution to my training issues.  The park is great- a stream, hills, a covered bridge AND a functioning water fountain.  The only surprise was discovering that a shooting range is close by.  After the initial shock of sudden gunfire, I settled into a nice pace and was able to easily get 5 miles in with ample time to spare.  Finding a new routine and route to run is like falling in love, and I'm smitten.  Up next: 50k at Blues Cruise next month.  I will be ready!